Scuba yacht charters


Scuba diving is a wonderful addition to any crewed charter vacation. Many of the most beautiful destinations in world are also home to gorgeous marine life that can only truly be experienced through scuba. The Virgin Islands, in particular, have some of the most beautiful dive spots in the world, and there are countless diving hotspots in different locations around the Caribbean as well.
Many of our charter yachts offer diving and are equipped with either a dive master or instructor to ensure that you’re getting the best experience possible, so whether you’re a beginner looking for an easy but awe-inspiring first dive or an experienced diver seeking your next challenge, you can trust in the ample diving experience offered on board your charter.
Scuba Diving Yacht Charters
Scuba Diving Yacht Charters


Scuba Diving Yacht Charters
Almost anyone over the age of 10 and in decent health can dive. Most yachts don’t offer full diving courses because they are time consuming, so becoming certified prior to setting out on a scuba expedition is a must. Certified divers need to bring their certification to be able to dive and complete a medical release form. If you are an experienced certified diver, we’ll pair you with your ideal yacht charter, complete with divemaster or instructor. We can help you explore your diving options, from popular destinations to best kept secrets.
Many clients like to keep their hand in by diving several times during their week on board, yet not make diving the center of activities. Other groups may have just one or two interested in the occasional dive. Let us match you to the right option to suit your needs. If you have never been diving, we can provide you with any and all information necessary to help you choose your starting point.


If you’ve found your ideal yacht charter, but it doesn’t offer diving, don’t worry! There are many rendezvous diving services available that the chosen yacht can set you up. In some locations that are protected by government restrictions, a local rendezvous dive company may in fact be the only way to visit.
Rendezvous dive companies meet your yacht and whisk off those in your group who wish to dive. Your yacht may then continue on with other activities and meet you in another location. If some in your group wishes to dive or you’d like to dive only once or twice during your week, then your crew will be happy to arrange a professional dive company to assist you with your diving outing.
Scuba Diving Yacht Charters
Scuba Diving Yacht Charters


Scuba certification can be a rigorous process, and while some yachts and many rendezvous dive companies offer diving courses, the best way to fully enjoy diving from your yacht charter is by completing dive courses beforehand. There are several options for becoming a certified diver, and diver certification can actually be started on shore and completed on your vacation. Dive courses are made up of three different parts: academic training through textbooks and tests, water skill training which can often be done in a swimming pool, and open water dives, requiring 4 to 5 dives where you demonstrate certain skills over the course of two days. 

While you can always complete an Open Water Diver Course before your trip, a more popular and often more practical way to complete diver certification is to finish up steps 1 and 2 of the diver certification program and complete your open water dive requirements with your chartered crew. That way, your first dives can be in some of the most beautiful and renowned dive spots in the world!


With years of experience, we provide trusted service and insights. Our brokers personally inspect yachts, ensuring your choice meets the highest standards for a seamless experience.