Experiences | Matchmaking

…leap! Locations Yacht chartering opens the world of travel in ways that nothing else can. Some parts of the world are totally inaccessible any other way, and some places can…

Alaska Charter

…guided tours of some of the worlds most remote corners. This 58′ blue water yacht is the perfect platform for researchers, photographers, fishing or just your avid adventure junky. She…

Buying a Yacht

Buying a Yachts User Stories As someone looking to buy a yacht I want to know as many details about the yacht as I can As someone looking to buy…

Owning a Yacht

Owning a Yacht User Stories As someone who owns a yacht I would like to be able to rent it out easily through the site As someone who owns a…

Unique Locations

…travel to some part of the world that few people have ever heard of and fewer have visited. There’s no reason you can’t be onboard. Contact us today and see…